Machinery Monitoring Systems Snapshot-OT is an engine balancer with significantly enhanced capabilities. It provides all of the functionality of our traditional engine balancer, including measurement and plotting of engine peak firing pressures, spark voltage breakdown and ring-down, as well as our software to calculate and display Mean Peak Firing Pressures (PFP).
In addition to the above, the operator is able to utilize our unique combination Infrared / Ultrasonic tool to measure and quantify anomalies encountered, while making rounds on a unit. A “Hot Valve Cap” can easily be reported to the Station Analyst as a, “Suction Valve Running 148 F with an Ultrasonic Signature as Attached”. Noise cancelling headphones are included to better facilitate the Ultrasonic measurements. The system also includes an Accelerometer with raw data and FFT capture. With this the “Shaking Pipe”, can be reported as a, “Pipe Vibrating at X mils and x Hz”, allowing the Analyst to instantly assess the severity of the situation.
The belt worn acquisition module has a rechargeable battery. The module transmits data to the Snapshot OT tablet wirelessly via Wi-Fi. Data results are displayed on the tablet for the operator. Reports are available in PDF format for saving, printing or emailing.
Snapshot OT Key Features
- Graphic and numerical display of engine cylinder pressures
- Functions with both 2-cycle and 4-cycle engines
- Software provides Spike removal / smoothing
- Graphic and numerical display of secondary ignition
- Ultrasonic sensor with headphone jack
- Graphic display of time-based vibration
- Basic FFT
- Infrared temperature sensor
- Built in camera with comment field
- Manual data logging
- Wireless communication from data module to tablet
- 8-hour battery life
- Class 1, Division 2 rating pending

Snapshot OT Components
- Snapshot OT Tablet
- Data Acquisition Module
- Ultrasonic / Infrared sensor
- Gain (10 Steps)
- Headphone connection
- Volume control (independent of gain)
- Infrared (0-1000 deg. F)
- Headphones